See all previous entries for this trip HERE
After our adventures in the Seas were over, our stomachs were starting to rumble a bit. It was nearing lunch time. But first, we must stop at the Land to grab Soarin' FastPasses!
I cannot help myself but to take pictures like this every trip. I seriously have an obsession with palm trees! (among other things found at Disney World...)
Squirt was guiding the way over to the Land
I believe I hung out with Henry outside while Joe went to obtain the goods
Where to eat?
Let's go this way:
The other side of the butterfly tent
The World Showcase sure looks inviting...through Canada, the UK and onto
France. Your bakery is my husband's siren call.
I have heard from fellow Disney fans that the ham sandwich found here was good stuff. I had been longing to try it after their descriptions. Joe had absolutely ZERO problem with eating lunch at a bakery - especially this one!
Ham and cheese sandwiches for all of us. You can either get them cold straight from the case, or the Cast Members will heat them for you. We chose to have ours heated.
Chocolate Mousse - Henry's pick.
Eclair - Joe's pick.
Apple Tart - mine.
I was a bit nervous about this meal. I am not a huge fan of cheese (I know, I know, but just wait until you read the NEXT paragraph), so I wasn't sure I'd like the cheese on the sandwich - but I did! The entire sandwich was delicious and not a crumb was left behind!
As you can see in the pictures above, I chose the apple tart as my dessert, but I will admit, I steered Henry in the direction of the Chocolate Mousse so I could try it! I've heard so many good things about it, I just wanted a taste. I am not a huge fan of chocolate either (see! worse than cheese, right?), I have to be in the mood for it, and it can't be too rich - but with all the rave reviews, I had to try that mousse! Sadly, I was correct with this one - it was too chocolatey for me. Henry, on the other hand, ate that cup CLEAN!
Despite our simple meal of a sandwich and desserts, the bill was almost $30--without drinks! This is not a great deal out of pocket, but could be pretty decent on the Disney Dining Plan.
After we were done eating I took Henry over to the KidCot stop so he could color a Duffy on a stick. The KidCot stops are little booths, just for the kids, in each of the World Showcase countries. The kids can color a picture of Duffy, the Disney Bear, on a stick and then get their stick stamped from each country. It's completely free and it makes kids really enjoy the World Showcase a bit more. Another idea, that is similar, is either buying or creating a "passport" for your child to do this with. I figured we'd be here for just a couple minutes to color Duffy while Joe threw away the garbage and we each took a turn browsing the shop/coloring with Henry.
Serious artist at work.
It was about 3 minutes into it, I decided to make a run to the bathroom. I consulted my iPhone map and saw there was one just over the bridge, near the International Gateway.
Well, turns out this bathroom is OUTSIDE the gates. It wasn't close at all! Morocco is much closer! All well, lesson learned. I hurried back knowing Joe and Henry would be more than ready and waiting for me...
but...I found Henry was still hard at work on his Duffy! Joe said he had not come up from coloring since he had started!
So, I took pictures and waited.
And eventually, the masterpiece was complete!
I was a very proud Mommy. I'm certain that Duffy would go for millions!
We finally emerged from France
We started to wander just a bit, completely without an agenda
In seconds we were in Morocco - near the bathroom. LOL
It was getting late in the day - and Joe was itchin' for some Stormalong Bay (the pool in case you forgot). A decision was made, we turned around and headed back out toward the Boardwalk - first a nap, then swimming!
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